Welcome to the Ringness House Museum!
At the center of Bosque County lies the historic Ringness House Museum, which draws visitors from around the world. The City of Clifton is officially recognized as the Norwegian Capital of Texas. The towns of Clifton, Cranfills Gap, and Meridian combine to uphold Norwegian traditions beyond the county lines and to continue to honor our past and reach into the future as so many people discover this haven of Norwegian heritage.
We welcome visitors from around the county, the state, and the world. If you’ve never been to Bosque County, we suggest you come for the annual Tour of Homes, during the Norwegian Country Christmas celebration, held during the first weekend in December. We always have a lot of fun!
Ringness House Museum is a Historical Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation.
Follow our social media page for current updates on Facebook.

For general information, or to schedule your group’s visit, contact: Betty Tindall 254-253-0224.